
01/10/2022 alle 13:45

Arena Event

Arena Event

The remaining tributes begin to hallucinate.

Aurelio mistakes Rebic for a bear and kills her.

Zorza con la quinta survives.

Gabriele survives.

Biondina mistakes Michele for a bear and kills him.

Giadina survives.

Capelli rossi survives.

Antonello drowns Quella di settembre, who he thought was a shark trying to eat him.

Edo della radio survives.

Amico trans eats a scorpion, thinking it is a delicate dessert.

Gloria survives.

Ragazza di Pavia and Ricciolina decide to jump down the rabbit hole to Wonderland, which turns out to be a pit of rocks.

Ricciolino mistakes Tette di Velia for a bear and kills her.

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2 anni fa


+1 punto