
18/11/2020 alle 01:20

and it hurts

and it hurts

to know that you love each other

you cannot mentally stop it

it's like when you say everyone has a soulmate

she's mine

we're connected

but I cannot hurt her again

and it hurts

and I hate

to know that this one was

our last I love you

and I said it while crying

our last kiss

while all I can think about is how much I want her between my arms while caressing her hair and kissing her soft hands

if you're reading this, I'm sorry for everything I've done to you.

+4 punti
27 commenti


4 anni fa

[commento eliminato]

+1 punto


4 anni fa

Piccolina, non sai quanto mi dispiace, sappi che non mi hai fatto male, è che ho paura di farti io ancora del male, sei stupenda, beato chi ti sposerà, sei veramente la gioia in persona bimba

+1 punto


4 anni fa


+1 punto


4 anni fa

Ehi ?

+1 punto