Tw, sh(?) bad mental health, eating disorder(?) Scusate se è in inglese ma riesco a sfogarmi solo in quella lingua

This year has been kinda shit for me, the only thing that kept me going was ua... I used to tell myself "c'mon dont do it you need to be there for the end of ua" then it got from that to "at least whait 3 months when it ends you can go" and idk this shit makes me feel so fucking weak and pathetic, idk wtf I'm going to do when ua ends. Before ua I used to say "you wont be able to see Mark's videos anymore" and now I dont like him as much anymore same goes to Ethan and I FUCKING hate this shit...... everything I used to like just said "bitch ? goodbye ?✌" and all because for like 3 days I felt like crap shit.... i just want this shit to fucking stop, I want my brain to shit the fuck up, I want to stop being a little bitch with no balls, I want be better but I just FUCKING CAN'T.... I hate what I am, i hate my fucking brain, I hate my body, I hate my face, I look fucking disgusting I just wanna stay in my fucking house and die there alone but I cant because my stupid bitch ass mom is there and I fucking hate her, fun fact I don't even fucking know why I hate her.... maybe I do but she does good stuff for me and I just feel bad, GOD FUCKING SHIT WHY I DONT JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK, MY MENTAL HEALTH IS GOING SO SHIT THAT I LITERALLY HATE MY BRAIN, LIKE IF ITS A REAL PERSON WHO IN FUCKING HELL DOES THAT!! AND I SWEAR ON FUCKING SJIT OF A GOD IF I DONT FUCKING CAME OUT SOON IM GOING FUCKING CRAZY I FEEL LIKE MY CHEST KEEPS GETTING BIGGER, I FEEL LIKE A FAT BITCH WHILE ACTUALLY IM JUST FUCKING SKINNY, I WANT TO LOVE MY FUCKING BODY BUT I KIST FUCKING CANT MY CHEST RUINS EVERYTHING, IM JUST SO FUCKING PATHETIC, I CANT EVEN TALK TO MY FUCKING THERAPIST ABOUT MY SHIT BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE IM FAKING EVERYTHING!! IS NOT FUCKING NORMAL