Finalmente l'ha fatta, non ci posso credere (credits nella descrizione)

Credits: a2t.will.draw
Descrizione del pg:
If there is one polyvalent warrior you need to pick for difficult missions: it's Italy.
There is nothing this 28yo looking soldier can't do. As a painter, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor and architect she's the second most intelligent Country Warrior right behind Germany.
The survivabilty of your squad will increase by 300% just by having her by your side.
But not only because of her intellectual skills and hight IQ.
Indeed, Italy is pretentious, noisy, loves to brag and tease people.
She also has the bad habit to simulate and act like she's injured in the middle of a fight to encourage her ennemies to lower their guard...
But she would rather die than leave her teammates behind!
Especially the other European CW from her division she considerates as her family (which is the most precious thing she ever had even if she refuses to admit it).
Her fighting skills are unique.
She designed her own circular saw.
Italy's hair can produce a mysterious and thick liquid. She collects it and makes ammunition out it she can use to reload her weapon.
Each color corresponds to a specific effect applied to the blade:
- Veni: Red - Fire
- Vedi: Yellow - Wind
- Vici: Blue - Lighting
She can switch mode by activating 2 of them at the same time:
- Veni Vedi: Orange - Explosion
- Veni Vici: Purple - Ray Blast
- Vedi Vici: Green - Corrosive Poison
Finally by pressing all 3 of them in the same time she activates her ultimate technique :
-Veni Vedi Vici: Black - "Vesuvius Canon".
Italy's weapon shoots an huge amount of dark smoke, covering the entire battlefield, turning any ennemies breathing it into stone.
To argue with France about wines and macaroon is her daily life.
She gave to her her most famous work, Mona Lisa, after losing a bet a long time ago.
Since that day she keeps on sneaking into France's room in CW HQ to get it back. With no success so far...
Loud Da Vinci green genius splatoon girl goes brrrrrrr!