
06/08/2022 alle 01:57

he s good now!!! he didn’t die actually haha sorry fir disturbing you

he s good now!!! he didn’t die actually haha sorry fir disturbing you
+8 punti
13 commenti


2 anni fa

Wow, he's resurrected like Jesus Christ. Does it always work like this in Romania?

+5 punti


2 anni fa

si adhuc perseveret hoc modo, sciam me ad spectaculi aliquid accepturum

+3 punti


2 anni fa

Stop doing drugs

+2 punti


2 anni fa

stai alaturi de el lasa insegreto!!!!

+1 punto


2 anni fa

The prayers i didn't make have actually worked

0 punti


2 anni fa


0 punti