// vent.... scritto di nuovo in inglese (scusate)

I genuinely wanna skip a year of school.... I dont feel like I'm accomplishing anything rn, today I went to only 2 classes and I've lost 4, tomorrow I'm going to do the same thing because I need to be interrogated and I didn't study shit + now we are obligated to use the camera and I genuinely can't tun it on..... I feel like shit especially sice we need to pay like 140€ so that I can study cooking and I dont like cooking (+ the new books for other years.... and they are expensive) i just feel so bad and I'm scared of failing (my mom said that if I get another bad grade she'll take my phone and I'm 100% shure I'm going to get at least 3 bad grades really soon sice I cant bring myself to study shit) my mom keep telling me also that if I can't pass this year I'm done with school and I genuinely dont know wtf I'm going to do if I dont go to school, I can't do any tipe of work, I'm bad at talking to ppl so I cant even work in like a small bar cuz I'm too shy for that shit and I just feel so fucking useless, I know I'm smart but I just don't feel the urge to do anything, I'm literally failing 4 classes and I dont know what to do...... I feel like a piece of shit, I'm so sorry for venting but idk what to do......I can't even skip a year cuz I've already lost one, I'm genuinely so scared.... idk what to do, I feel so lost..... I feel bad, what am I supposed to do?? I'm still a child I dont want to go to work already, I'm probably exaggerating rn but I genuinely don't know how to handle this shit, my mom has such high Hope's for me but she also barely believes in me I dont even care about her opinion but I do.... I'm also scared she'll give me to my dad and I dont want that, my dad is fucked up, he lives in a dirty ass house, he drinks, he has clearly anger problems and I dont want to live with him at all. I feel so lost........