listen to us. this is toxic. we are in a toxic relationship, Elena. i just killed your friend, and you find someone else to blame! you want me to blame you? easy, done. You screwed up, Damon, again! Thank you! You put me in a position where I have to defend you, again. where I have to bend my morals, again. where I have to go against every single thing I believe in, again, because i love you! #vamoshumberto #per-veri-intenditori
02/01/2021 alle 04:43
io che scrivo alla mia amica del Messico che ho conosciuto perché lei ruola L e io Misa Misa ricordandole per la trentasettesima volta in una giornata quanto sia bella e gentile e fantastica e quanto le voglia bene: ??? #llawliet #misamisa #amica #vamoshumberto #levogliotroppobene
30/12/2020 alle 01:08