15 commenti
6 anni fa
Io ho 14 anni, e come te non capisco perchè debbano usare due lingue, (premetto che lo facevo anche io) comunque boh, penso che renda piu "figa" la frase
+1 punto
6 anni fa
Ehm the talking is very very, perfect are you?, bitch i die for my person SHISH ahhahahah
+1 punto
6 anni fa
same,I don't get the people that use two languages in a single sentence,it takes a lot of time for me to understand what they're saying sometimes,and I'm always like bitch,wtf?! It's just really annoying sometimes,idk why,but it makes people look kinda dumb? i'm ok if you use cute in an Italian sentence,or bitch,but sometimes it's too much.(shish)
+1 punto