Turn around, look at what you seeeeEeEEEEEEeEEEeeE, in your FACE, the mirror of your deeeeeEEeEEeEeEeEeEms, make belive i'm everywhere, given in the Liiiiiiight, written on the PAGES, is the answer to a never ending STOOOOOOORYYYYYYY AAAH AAAHH AAHHH #scusatemi

13/07/2019 alle 03:40
+2 punti
4 commenti


5 anni fa


+1 punto


5 anni fa

Ah ok.

0 punti


5 anni fa


0 punti


4 anni fa

Research the staaarsFly a fantasyyyyyyyyDream a dreaaaamAndwhatyouseewill BEEEEEEEERhymes that keep their secrets willUnfold behind the staarsAnd then upon a rainbow isThe answer to a neverEndinG sTOOOOOORYYYYYYYYYAAA AAA AAAAAAASTOOOOOORYYYYYY AAAAAAA AAAAAAH AAAAAAHHH

0 punti