
21/01/2021 alle 01:04

// vent.... scritto di nuovo in inglese (scusate)

// vent.... scritto di nuovo in inglese (scusate)

I genuinely wanna skip a year of school.... I dont feel like I'm accomplishing anything rn, today I went to only 2 classes and I've lost 4, tomorrow I'm going to do the same thing because I need to be interrogated and I didn't study shit + now we are obligated to use the camera and I genuinely can't...


14/01/2021 alle 01:10

Mf got banned also from grinder and now he has an only fans

Mf got banned also from grinder and now he has an only fans


08/01/2021 alle 19:55



Mi annoio ??


07/01/2021 alle 00:06

Ahah ??????

Ahah ??????

Non ero un suo fan ma ouch ??