
06/11/2018 alle 16:43

The Lannister send their regards

The Lannister send their regards

Qual'è la vostra Grande Casa preferita?


24/10/2018 alle 17:44

The magnificent

The magnificent

Datemi un uomo così


23/10/2018 alle 15:26

Espandi immagine

He rode through the streets of the city

Down from his hill on high

O'er the wynds and the steps and the cobble

He rode to a woman's sigh

For she was his secret treasure

She was his shame and his bliss

And a chain and a keep are nothing

Compared to a woman's kiss

For hands of gold are alway...


19/10/2018 alle 21:41

Singing in the rain

Singing in the rain
Espandi immagine

“A una goccia

ho parlato di te.

Lei non ha mantenuto il segreto.

Ora tutta la pioggia,

ripete il tuo nome “