Sono molto insicura di me stessa. Credo sempre che, quando in strada le persone ridono, lo facciano nei miei confronti, visto che non sono una di quelle che si trucca o si mette vestiti attillati. Non voglio sciogliermi i capelli perchè mi sento un imbarazzo quando mi dicono "stai bene" ecc... mi piace non essere notata; in più, visto che mi considero brutta, sarà difficile per me avere un ragazzo
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7 anni fa
She was beautiful,but not like those girls in the magazines.She was beautiful,for the way she thought,for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved,for her ability to make other people smile,even if she was sad.She wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks.She was beautiful deep down to her soul.
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7 anni fa
She was beautiful,but not like those girls in the magazines.She was beautiful,for the way she thought,for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved,for her ability to make other people smile,even if she was sad.She wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks.She was beautiful deep down to her soul.
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7 anni fa
She was beautiful,but not like those girls in the magazines.She was beautiful,for the way she thought,for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved,for her ability to make other people smile,even if she was sad.She wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks.She was beautiful deep down to her soul.

7 anni fa
She was beautiful,but not like those girls in the magazines.She was beautiful,for the way she thought,for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved,for her ability to make other people smile,even if she was sad.She wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks.She was beautiful deep down to her soul.
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7 anni fa
@N0NS0N0CAZZITU0I La cosa importante, secondo me, è di essere in pace con se stessi. Ognuno vive il proprio corpo in maniera differente, personalmente le mie 'disavventure' estetiche mi hanno fatto capire quanto questa società sia falsa ed ipocrita, e il fatto che essa porti qualcuno a cambiare la propria persona per essere accettata è riprovevole
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7 anni fa
@N0NS0N0CAZZITU0I Si, questo vale per la maggior parte della gente, e proprio per questo curo il meno possibile il mio aspetto esteriore, è come un metodo 'scaccia idioti' (citando un film).
Ho un appuntamento.. Stavo pensando di non agghindarmi troppo.. Fargli vedere subito come sono di solito.. Cosi se gli piaccio non potrò che migliorare in futuro.. Farei male?

7 anni fa
She was beautiful,but not like those girls in the magazines.She was beautiful,for the way she thought,for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved,for her ability to make other people smile,even if she was sad.She wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks.She was beautiful deep down to her soul.
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Post non trovato

7 anni fa
She was beautiful,but not like those girls in the magazines.She was beautiful,for the way she thought,for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved,for her ability to make other people smile,even if she was sad.She wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks.She was beautiful deep down to her soul.
Pubblico i miei selfie su instagram e controllo ogni 5 minuti se qualcuno ha messo un cuoricino e se ne ricevo pochi mi sento brutta...sono malata lo so...

7 anni fa
@op Secondo me 'as her looks' andrebbe tradotto con 'come il suo aspetto', invece che 'come i suoi sguardi'. Non solo dal punto di vista linguistico ma anche poetico.:)