I look so strong to people 'round me, my assertions

Have paranoia, every sentence is a blur

I lost the only thing that calmed my nerves and tensions

Maybe that's why I feel so bad about not being able to save her

Cold set in your heart

Cold sex with another guy

The summer air was kissing me

Brighter on the other side

Pressure on my head

I'm learning ropes to paradise

Too much too achieve

I can't even fall asleep at night

I look so strong to people 'round me, my assertions

Have paranoia, every sentence is a blur

I lost the only thing that calmed my nerves and tensions

Maybe that's why I feel so bad about not being able to save her

I know you made a lapse in your thought processions

You were too turned up on xans and weed

Didn't think about me too much back then

You were too turned up on xans and weed

@Miodiocheschifo ha creato l'account il 11/04/2020